Monday, April 13, 2015

APOD 4.2

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The 2015 solar eclipse over the upper part of the planet has generated tremendous popularity lately, despite its passing over few population centers able to actually see it considering weather conditions. This composite image of 29 telescopic images displays the brilliant corona of the sun in all its glory, only able to be seen well considering the entire rest of the sun is blocked out by the moon. These pictures were taken on March 20th, the day of the eclipse. Pink solar prominences are visible along the edge of the moon, as well as the specific surface features of the dark side of the moon surprisingly, illuminated by sunlight reflecting off of Earth.

Sunday, March 29, 2015

APOD 4.1

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This picture shows what used to be a faint light to one of the brightest stars in Sagittarius, although now it is fading. This is due to a nova. A nova is caused by the accretion of hydrogen onto the surface of the star, commencing a runaway fusion reaction. This produces a large amount of light, even enough to see it from earth. This specific nova was the brightest that we have been able to see from earth in over a year. This light is so bright that for weeks we will still be able to see it with binoculars.

Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Observation 6

Solar sails (also called light sails or photon sails) are a form of spacecraft propulsion using the radiation pressure (also called solar pressure) from stars to push large ultra-thin mirrors to high speeds. Light sails could also be driven by energy beams to extend their range of operations, which is strictly beam sailing rather than solar sailing. Solar sail craft offer the possibility of low-cost operations combined with long operating lifetimes. Since they have few moving parts and use no propellant, they can potentially be used numerous times for delivery of payloads. Solar sails use a phenomenon that has a proven, measured effect on spacecraft. Solar pressure affects all spacecraft, whether in interplanetary space or in orbit around a planet or small body. A typical spacecraft going to Mars, for example, will be displaced by thousands of kilometres by solar pressure, so the effects must be accounted for in trajectory planning, which has been done since the time of the earliest interplanetary spacecraft of the 1960s. Solar pressure also affects the attitude of a craft, a factor that must be included in spacecraft design. The total force exerted on an 800 by 800 meter solar sail, for example, is about 5 newtons at Earth's distance from Sol, making it a low-thrust propulsion system, similar to spacecraft propelled by electric engines.

Observation 5

The Oort cloud or Öpik–Oort cloud, named after Dutch astronomer Jan Oort and Estonian astronomer Ernst Öpik, is a spherical cloud of predominantly icy planetesimals believed to surround the Sun at a distance of up to around 100,000 AU (2 ly). This places it at half of the distance to Proxima Centauri, the nearest star to the Sun. The Kuiper belt and the scattered disc, the other two reservoirs of trans-Neptunian objects, are less than one thousandth as far from the Sun as the Oort cloud. The outer limit of the Oort cloud defines the cosmographical boundary of the Solar System and the region of the Sun's gravitational dominance. The Oort cloud is thought to comprise two regions: a spherical outer Oort cloud and a disc-shaped inner Oort cloud, or Hills cloud. Objects in the Oort cloud are largely composed of ices, such as water, ammonia, and methane. Astronomers conjecture that the matter composing the Oort cloud formed closer to the Sun and was scattered far into space by the gravitational effects of the giant planets early in the Solar System's evolution. Although no confirmed direct observations of the Oort cloud have been made, it may be the source of all long-period and Halley-type comets entering the inner Solar System, and many of the centaurs and Jupiter-family comets as well. The outer Oort cloud is only loosely bound to the Solar System, and thus is easily affected by the gravitational pull both of passing stars and of the Milky Way itself. These forces occasionally dislodge comets from their orbits within the cloud and send them towards the inner Solar System. Based on their orbits, most of the short-period comets may come from the scattered disc, but some may still have originated from the Oort cloud.

Observation 4

The Solar and Heliospheric Observatory (SOHO) is a spacecraft built by a European industrial consortium led by Matra Marconi Space (now Astrium) that was launched on a Lockheed Martin Atlas II AS launch vehicle on December 2, 1995 to study the Sun, and has discovered over 2700 comets. It began normal operations in May 1996. It is a joint project of international cooperation between the European Space Agency (ESA) and NASA. Originally planned as a two-year mission, SOHO continues to operate after over 18 years in space. In June 2013, a mission extension lasting until December 2016 was approved. In addition to its scientific mission, it is the main source of near-real-time solar data for space weather prediction. Along with the GGS Wind and Advanced Composition Explorer (ACE) (and DSCOVR in 2015), SOHO is one of three spacecraft in the vicinity of the Earth–Sun L1 point, a point of gravitational balance located approximately 0.99 astronomical unit (AU)s from the Sun and 0.01 AU from the Earth. In addition to its scientific contributions, SOHO is distinguished by being the first three-axis-stabilized spacecraft to use its reaction wheels as a kind of virtual gyroscope; the technique was adopted after an on-board emergency in 1998 that nearly resulted in the loss of the spacecraft.

Observation 3

Cold fusion is a hypothetical type of nuclear reaction that would occur at, or near, room temperature, compared with temperatures in the millions of degrees that are required for "hot" fusion, which takes place naturally within stars. There is currently no accepted theoretical model which would allow cold fusion to occur. In 1989 Martin Fleischmann (then one of the world's leading electrochemists) and Stanley Pons reported that their apparatus had produced anomalous heat ("excess heat"), of a magnitude they asserted would defy explanation except in terms of nuclear processes. They further reported measuring small amounts of nuclear reaction byproducts, including neutrons and tritium. The small tabletop experiment involved electrolysis of heavy water on the surface of a palladium (Pd) electrode. The reported results received wide media attention, and raised hopes of a cheap and abundant source of energy. Many scientists tried to replicate the experiment with the few details available. Hopes fell with the large number of negative replications, the withdrawal of many positive replications, the discovery of flaws and sources of experimental error in the original experiment, and finally the discovery that Fleischmann and Pons had not actually detected nuclear reaction byproducts. By late 1989, most scientists considered cold fusion claims dead, and cold fusion subsequently gained a reputation as pathological science. In 1989, a review panel organized by the United States Department of Energy (DOE) found that the evidence for the discovery of a new nuclear process was not persuasive enough to start a special program, but was "sympathetic toward modest support" for experiments "within the present funding system." A second DOE review, convened in 2004 to look at new research, reached conclusions similar to the first. Support within the then-present funding system did not occur.

Observation 2

The Fizeau experiment was carried out by Hippolyte Fizeau in 1851 to measure the relative speeds of light in moving water. Fizeau used a special interferometer arrangement to measure the effect of movement of a medium upon the speed of light. According to the theories prevailing at the time, light traveling through a moving medium would be dragged along by the medium, so that the measured speed of the light would be a simple sum of its speed through the medium plus the speed of the medium. Fizeau indeed detected a dragging effect, but the magnitude of the effect that he observed was far lower than expected. His results seemingly supported the partial aether-drag hypothesis of Fresnel, a situation that was disconcerting to most physicists. Over half a century passed before a satisfactory explanation of Fizeau's unexpected measurement was developed with the advent of Albert Einstein's theory of special relativity. Einstein later pointed out the importance of the experiment for special relativity.

Observation 1

CoRoT (English: COnvection ROtation and planetary Transits) is a space mission led by the French Space Agency (CNES) in conjunction with the European Space Agency (ESA) and other international partners. The mission's two objectives are to search for extrasolar planets with short orbital periods, particularly those of large terrestrial size, and to perform asteroseismology by measuring solar-like oscillations in stars. It was launched on 27 December 2006, atop a Soyuz 2.1b carrier rocket, reporting first light on 18 January 2007. Subsequently, the probe started to collect science data on 2 February 2007. CoRoT is the first spacecraft dedicated to the detection of transiting extrasolar planets, opening the way for more advanced probes such as Kepler as well as future missions such as TESS and PLATO. It detected its first extrasolar planet, COROT-1b, in May 2007, just 3 months after the start of the observations. Mission flight operations were originally scheduled to end 2.5 years from launch but operations were extended to 2013. On 2 November 2012, CoRoT suffered a computer failure that made it impossible to retrieve any data from its telescope. After repair attempts, on 24 June 2013, it was announced that CoRoT has been retired and would be decommissioned; lowered in orbit to allow it to burn up in the atmosphere.

APOD 3.8

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At first glance, the most prominent thing one notices is the dark red clouds conglomerated and spanning across this image. The contrast with the blue stars and dark red clouds provides for a brilliant image of the cosmos. One can mouse over the image to reveal extensive information about the constellation and also the many celestial objects located in this image. One of these clouds, known as the Great Orion Nebula, is the closest large star-forming region to us, being located only 1,500 years away. The image has been enhanced in order for one to more easily make out normally faint hydrogen tendrils, among other many more much more normally faint celestial objects.

Tuesday, March 24, 2015

APOD 3.7

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The Pelican Nebula is contained within the constellation Cygnus, the Swan, making it akin to an interstellar Turducken, but with different birds and much more space. Newly formed stars litter the area of the Pelican Nebula, and it also happens to be fouled with dark dust, fitting considering it is fowl within fowl. An immense stellar nursery, the Pelican Nebula will be the birthplace of numerous stars to come, and is an excellent example of the beginnings of a life cycle of a star. Only two thousand light years away, the Pelican Nebula can be viewed with a relatively small telescope to the northeast of the star Deneb.

APOD 3.6

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This time-lapse poses an interesting question: which is older, the sky above us or the rocks below? Surprisingly, it is usually the rocks below us that have been there longer. Their sediments were settled in place long before light escaped any of the stars or nebulae that we perceive in the night sky. However, if you gaze far out enough, the stars will indeed become far more ancient. The beautiful scenery of the earth below provides incredible contrast with the vastness and magnificence of the stars above. The layers of differing rock composition through time are much more readily apparent than the differing lifespans of the stars and celestial objects. The multicolored bands visible in the sky below the Milky Way are actually a product of our atmospheric interference. The picture provides data about the vast amount of visuals present in the image when hovered over, allowing the viewer to better appreciate what they see in terms of distance and longevity.

APOD 3.5

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A prime example of a striking spiral galaxy, M106 consists of blue dust cloud spiral arms with notable red dust arms near the center of the spiraling entity. Radio and X-ray emissions are particularly prominent from the core of this spiral galaxy, which also goes along with the peculiarity in that the core has a strange glow. It is believed that M106 can credit this glow to a high concentration of glowing gas surrounding a black hole. M106, also known as NGC 4258, is a part of the constellation Canes Venatici.

APOD 3.4

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This fantastic image is not of our own galaxy, but it is extremely similar in form and brilliance, being a grand design spiral galaxy with over 100 billion stars and numerous well-defined spiral arms. NGC 4321 contains clusters of stars that were key in studying to better determine the approximate size and age of the universe. The progression inward from the dark outer arms of the galaxy into the bright core is pleasing to the eye and simultaneously inspires awe in the observer. The dust clouds permeating the entire galaxy provide brilliant contrast with the bright stars seen elsewhere in it.

APOD 3.3

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This image is a time lapse of four rocket launches, and is extremely drawn out to give the viewer a full view of the sky in a circular field of vision. These rockets were launched on January 26 at the Poker Flat Research Range. The skies above are incredibly clear and also filled with elegantly green auroras. The rockets carried devices designed to leave vapor trails for observers to record data about the atmosphere regarding the movement of the vapor trails. The green trails are also laser tracers that were captured in the time-lapse.

APOD 3.2

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The vibrant combination of colors is not true color, as the image was captured in infrared. False coloration was used to achieve the brilliant image of Orion in the infrared spectrum. Much of the light in this image originates from the Trapezium star center, which can be seen in the center of the image. The orange dust clouds reflect the light from these stars in their various cloudlike forms.

apod 3.1

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At first glance, this nebula seems to be a soap bubble caught in the field of view of a telescope's image. The Soap Bubble Nebula, in fact, was only recently discovered. Dave Jurasevich discovered it while examining his images of the Cygnus region of the night sky on July 6th 2008. After submitting it to the International Astronomical Union, it is now known as the Soap Bubble Nebula. The nebula is believed to be a planetary nebula, most likely a star in its final phase of life. The Soap Bubble Nebula is certainly unique and majestic in its spherical, transparent nature and is truly a wondrous sight to behold among the stars.


Peter Florian
Mr. Percival - period 5
George E. Hale Bio.
When George Ellery Hale was 14 years old, he begged his father, a wealthy Chicago businessman, to buy him a telescope so he could watch the rare event of Venus passing between Earth and the Sun. Hale’s parents, pleased with their son’s interest in science, bought him the telescope, and, over the next 16 years, other professional-quality astronomical instruments. After he entered college, they built him his own laboratory, a brick building on their property. Hale’s parents doted on him. He was often sick, and they had lost two other children to illness as infants. However, their support for his interest in astronomy turned out to be entirely justified. Hale was still in college, studying solar astronomy, when he invented the spectroheliograph, a device to photograph and analyze the Sun. The spectroheliograph would launch the design of telescopes dedicated to solar astronomy. Hale went on to leave his fingerprints on the great American telescopes of his time. He would make plans to build a large telescope and obtain the financial backing. Then he would gather the people and materials to carry out the plan, and have the telescope built — all while working on ideas for the next, even bigger telescope. Hale was constantly trying to look deeper into the sky. He suffered from frequent depression and headaches, but nothing could keep him from his work on solar astronomy and stellar evolution, or his passion for building big telescopes. Hale not only contributed to astronomy by building four of the world’s largest telescopes, he also founded an astronomical society, started the Astrophysical Journal, and was the first person to be officially called an astrophysicist. His final project was the 200-inch telescope on Palomar Mountain. During the last few days of his life, Hale is said to have looked up at the sky and rejoiced, “It is a beautiful day. The sun is shining, and they are working on Palomar.” Hale would not live to see that telescope finished, but today the 200-inch Hale Telescope on Palomar Mountain is named for him.

Monday, March 2, 2015

Planetary Nebulae

1. Ghost of Jupiter: NGC 3242
Distance: 6.5 (kly)
Apparent Mag: 8.6
Constellation: Hydra

2.Ring Nebula: M57, NGC 6720
Distance:2.3 (kly)
Apparent Mag: 9
Constellation: Lyra

3. Helix Nebula: NGC 7293
Distance: .68 (kly)
Apparent Mag: 13.5
Constellation: Aquarius

4. Dumbbell Nebula: M27, NGC 6853
Distance: 1.36
Apparent Mag: 7.5
Constellation: Vulpecula

5. Eskimo Nebula:
Distance: 2.9
Apparent Mag: 10.1
Constellation: Gemini

6. Owl Nebula: M97, NGC 3587
Distance: 2.6
Apparent Mag: 9.9
Constellation: Ursa Major

7. Soap Bubble Nebula: PN G75.5 1.7
Distance: 4
Constellation: Cygnus

8. Saturn Nebula: NGC 7009
Distance: 3
Apparent Mag: 12.8
Constellation: Aquarius

9. Cat's Eye Nebula: NGC 6543
Distance: 3.3
Apparent Mag: 9.8
Constellation: Draco

10. Twin Jet Nebula: M2-9
Distance: 2.1
Apparent Mag: 14.7
Constellation: Ophiuchus

Thursday, February 12, 2015

los links

Friday, January 9, 2015

Observation 4

The Earth is wobbling on its axis like a top. You can’t feel it, but it’s happening. And over long periods of time, these wobbles shift our calendars around, move the stars from where they’re supposed to be, and maybe even mess with our climate. Thank you very much precession. The earth wobbles regularly changing our north star and also effects the climate.

Observation 3

Tonight i looked at the sky and saw Venus and Mercury. These planets are close to each other which only happens once a year. Mercury is very hard to see throughout the year and this is the only opportunity to be able to observe it. Mercury is a very small planet and only rises a few degrees above the equator. Venus on the other hand is very easily viewed and is a rather bright object.

observation 2
Sometimes the Sun is quiet, and other times the Sun gets downright unruly. During the peak of its 11-year cycle, the surface of the Sun is littered with darker sunspots. And its from these sunspots that the Sun generates massive solar flares, which can spew radiation and material in our direction. solar flare is a sudden flash of brightness observed over the Sun's surface or the solar limb, which is interpreted as a large energy release of up to 6 × 1025 joules of energy (about a sixth of the total energy output of the Sun each second or 160,000,000,000 megatons of TNT equivalent, over 25,000 times more energy than released from the impact of Comet Shoemaker–Levy 9 with Jupiter).


The Sun is a terrifying ball of plasma. It’s a good thing we’re keeping an eye on it. And that eye is the Solar and Heliospheric Observatory, or SOHO. Operating for more than 18 years now, SOHO has been making detailed observations of the Sun’s activity though an almost entire solar cycle. With so many years of operation, SOHO has some amazing stories to tell. SOHO is an observatory that specifically looks at the sun and gives us the best images for today's knowledge of the sun.

APOD 2.8

The first thing that one sees when viewing this image is the striking blue brilliance of the clouds of gas reflecting light off of stars. This cosmic scene is located less than 500 light-years away from us, near the northern edge of Corona Australis, the Southern Crown. Despite only taking up about a degree in our field of view, the clouds depicted here are magnificent when magnified. The blue tinge of the cosmic clouds is due to their reflection of light off of hot young stars obscured by them. Among the vast blue clouds there are also various other interesting celestial bodies, such as the spiral seen to the center left of the picture and the red orb seen in the lower left center. At the center of the two main bodies of blue cosmic dust there also appears to be two pairs of double stars, embedded in the blue double cluster. The effect is one of cosmic brilliance.

APOD 2.7

This incredible photograph is of the group of reflection nebulae in Orion called NGC 1977, NGC 1975, and NGC 1973. This cluster of nebulae is usually overshadowed by its glittering nearby neighbor, the Orion Nebula. The clouds reflect the light off of hot blue stars which is how they gained their brilliant colors. NGC 1977 is the cloud going across the picture slightly below the center, while NGC 1973 occupies the top right and NGC 1975 is in the top left and all of these clouds are separated by the dark red clouds of hydrogen gas.

APOD 2.6

This exposure of the aurora borealis was taken on Kvaløya, near Tromsø Norway, 2009 December 13. The 30 second exposure also happened to catch a meteor as well as the aurora, providing a striking contrast between the intensity of the two atmospheric events. This meteor was from the Geminid meteor shower, which has meteors that appear to originate from the constellation Gemini. Despite both events occurring in the upper atmosphere about 100 kilometers up, they have drastically different causes, with the aurora being caused by magnetically charged particles and meteors being space rock heating from the impact of crashing into our atmosphere.

APOD 2.5

At first sight, this panorama is breathtaking. Its combination of colors is an incredible contrast and quite the sight to behold. The valley pictured, the Valle de la Luna, is fittingly for this panorama titled Moon Valley, located in the Chilean Atacama desert. The spectacular lights on the horizon originate from the city of San Pedro, as well as the cities of Socaire and Toconao. Also, this picture includes the four galaxies easily visible from our planet's dark sky regions. On the left are the Large and Small Magellanic Clouds. On the right is the Andromeda Galaxy. This panorama is truly a masterpiece of celestial photography combined with a breathtaking landscape of Earth.

APOD 2.4

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This picture is a picture of the Leonids Meteor Shower in 1999. The peak of amount of meteors was over 1000 an hour in Europe. Other areas around the world only got 30 to 100 meteors per hour. This picture is a 20 min long exposure photograph. You can see about 5 meteors in this photo. The Leonids will continue to awe viewers for the next couple night resulting in more amazing pictures and more life memories.

APOD 2.3

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This picture is a picture of Orion. It shows us that Orion is not just the three stars on the belt that everyone knows, but a collection of nebula and gas that is astounding when looked at with the help of a telescope and a little underwhelming when attempting to view with the unaided eye. in fact the lowest star in the belt is not even a star at all. It is actually a nebula called the flame nebula. Orion is also home to one of the nebulas that has the most recognized shape named the horsehead nebula.

Wednesday, January 7, 2015

William Herschel bio

Peter Florian
Mr. Percival-Period 5
7 January 2014
William Herschel Biography
Frederick William Herschel was a German astronomer of the late 18th/early 19th century. He lived with his family in Germany until he eventually moved the Britain at the age of 19. Herschel's mother gave birth to ten children, and his father played the oboe in symphonies. Herschel started out his life as a musician who played the violin, cello, harpsichord, and the organ. He wrote 24 symphonies, of which four are well known, and played first violin and first organ in many orchestras. Herschel's brother and sister were also musicians who sometimes played with him in the Octagon Chapel in Bath.
 Herschel's musical interest made him fond of mathematics, and his interest in astronomy started when he met English Astronomer Nevil Maskelyne. He started building personal reflecting telescopes, and spent as much as 12 hours a day grinding, polishing, and fixing metal primary mirrors. He started looking at the stars and planets in the early 1770's, and kept an astronomical journal. Herschel's early observations focused on closely grouped stars which he believed to be double-stars. He published his hypothesis that these stars orbited under mutual gravitational attraction, and proved it in the early 1800's. He discovered over 800 confirmed double or multi-star systems.
 In 1781, when Herschel was searching for double-stars, he discovered a nonstellar disk object beyond the orbit of Saturn. He originally thought it was a comet or star, but a colleague of his computed that the object was probably planetary. He agreed, and named the new planet the "Georgian star" after King George III. The name never stuck, and Uranus was universally adopted. The King was so astonished by this discovery that he named Herschel "The King's Astronomer". Herschel discovered that sunlight contained infrared radiation when he was looking at sun spots and researching with filters.
 With the help of his son John and sister Caroline, Herschel began to search for deep sky objects. He and his siblings discovered over 2400 objects known as nebulae, which he posted in three famous catalogs under eight different classifications. He created the NGC method for naming deep sky objects, which is still the most universal way to name them. Herschel discovered two moons of Saturn (Mimas and Enceladus), and two moons of Uranus (Titania and Oberon), which were named by his son John. He studied the axis tilt of Mars and was the first astronomer to discover that the solar system is moving through space. He also created the term asteroid.
 William married his sweetheart Mary and only had one child. In 1816, Herschel was made a Knight of the Royal Guelphic Order by Prince Regent, which entitled him the prefix "Sir". He helped found the Astronomical Society of London in 1820. On August 1822, Herschel died at the same Observatory House that his son John was born in. He is still very much respected and his works noted by many Astronomers today.